Cool chain improvement project seeks collaboration with packhouses

AHR needs your packhouse input

Applied Horticultural Research (AHR) would like to engage with avocado packhouses around Australia to help identify and resolve key issues in avocado supply chains that are potentially reducing fruit quality at the retail end of the supply chain.


Aims of the Supply Chain Improvement Project

The supply chain improvement project (AV15010) aims to reduce levels of rots and internal defects by increasing best practice adoption in the cool chain, particularly regarding temperature management. The project is funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd using the Avocado Industry Levy and funds from the Australian Government.


What is involved?

The AHR team will be travelling through most avocado growing regions in the coming months to discuss the project with packhouse managers, including both small and large operations. Demonstration trials will be set up to compare fruit quality from optimal versus suboptimal cool chain practices.


How to get involved

To get involved in this project and schedule a free visit from the project team, please contact:

Adam Goldwater:
Ph: 0466 080 693

Author: Adam Goldwater, AHR
Date Published: 28/04/2017