Japan Registration Workshop
Are you interested in exporting fresh Hass avocados to Japan in the 2020/21 season?
Avocados Australia, the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) and the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) are hosting a special registration workshop on Wednesday, 24 June.
Avocados for the Japanese market must be sourced from officially recognised areas free from Queensland fruit fly:
- Western Australia
- the Riverland region in South Australia, and
- Tasmania.
You can read more about the requirements from DAWE here.
There are two options for attending this workshop. You can attend in person at Manjimup (RSVPs essential to ensure physical distancing requirements can be adhered to) or online via Zoom.
In this 2.5 hour session, you will hear an industry overview from Avocados Australia, an overview of WA avocado exports and markets from DPIRD, and an overview of the Japan registration process and how to prepare for an audit from DAWE. Click here for the full agenda.
Date: Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Time: 9am (AWST), 10.30am (ACST), 11am (AEST)
Agenda: Click here for the full agenda.
Location: If you are attending in person, this event is being held at the Community Wellness and Respite Centre, 1A Edwards Street, Manjimup, WA. You can also attend via Zoom, and a link will be provided when you RSVP.
Instructions on how to join and participate will be distributed to attendees. Need some tips on how to join a Zoom meeting? Click here!
RSVP: by Friday, 19 June to Amanda on admin2@avocado.org.au or call 07 3846 6566 to reserve your spot. Please let Amanda know if you intend to attend in person, or via Zoom. RSVPs are essential for both, as organisers need definite numbers for the meeting venue, and only those who RSVP will be sent the link for the online option.
If you are attending in person, please advise of any dietary requirements.
For those who RSVP, we will be sending out instructions on how to join and participate in the webinar directly to you, in advance of the event. We will also make a recording available in the BPR afterwards.
More information
Avocados Australia Export Coordinator Joy Tang on 0499 600 613 or export@avocados.org.au
This event is part of the strategic levy investment project, Avocado export readiness and market access (AV17000), part of the Hort Innovation Avocado Fund. This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation avocado research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.