Regional Forum – North Queensland – online
The online North Queensland Avocado Regional Forum will be held via webinar on Wednesday, 29 July, at 9am Australian Eastern Standard Time.
The main topics are irrigation, nutrition and PGRs, presented by international researcher and speaker, Dr Francisco Mena, from GAMA Ltda, Chile.
Dr Francisco Mena Volker
Francisco Mena Volker and his business partner Francisco Gardiazabal (ex-Professor of Horticulture at the Catholic University in Valparaiso) are based near Santiago in Chile and run a consultancy company called GAMA Ltda which also conducts research. They consult internationally, regularly present results of their research at the World Avocado Congresses and are considered to be leaders in avocado orchard technology. In 2015, after the World Avocado Congress in Peru, Francisco hosted a group of Australian avocado growers on a tour of orchards in Chile. He has travelled to Australia several times and visited North Queensland for the World Avocado Congress in 2011.
Date: Wednesday, 29 July
Time: 7am AWST, 8.30am ACST, 9am AEST (This is the best time to suit both parties given the large time difference between Australia and Chile, where it will be 7pm when we start the webinar.)
Main topics: Irrigation, nutrition and PGRs
Agenda: Click here (pdf)
Location: to be delivered by Zoom. Instructions on how to join and participate will be distributed to attendees. Need some tips on how to join a Zoom meeting? Click here!
RSVP: by Friday, 24 July to Amanda on or call 07 3846 6566 to reserve your spot.
All industry members are welcome to attend any event but for our online events, preference will be given to those in the region first, should we have to limit numbers.
For those who RSVP, we will be sending out instructions on how to join and participate in the webinar directly to you, in advance of the event. We will make a recording available in the BPR afterwards.
More information:
Avocados Australia Industry Development Manager Liz Singh, 0499 854 111 or (Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm)
DAF: Bridie Carr, or 07 5381 1327
This event is part of the strategic levy investment project, Avocado industry development and extension (AV17005), part of the Hort Innovation Avocado Fund. This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation avocado research and development levy, co-investment from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.