ANVAS: for growers looking to buy trees

The aim of ANVAS is to provide assurance that avocado nursery stock purchased meets an industry standard, is true to type, and that appropriate steps have been taken to reduce the chance of introduction of serious pathogens into the production environment.

ANVAS accredited nurseries are required to adhere to specific production practices, undertake pathogen testing of plant material, undertake monitoring of stock throughout its growth stages and be independently audited each year to confirm their adherence to ANVAS requirements.

Nurseries currently ANVAS Accredited are:

  • Anderson Horticulture: Duranbah NSW – 0438 390 441
  • Fleming’s Nurseries Qld: Nambour Qld – 07 5442 1611
  • Turkinje Nursery: Walkamin Qld – 0419 781 723
  • Victorian Citrus Farms: Red Clifs Vic – 0419 391 558
  • Chislett Farms Pty Ltd: Kenley Vic – 03 5038 8238

If you are a nursery and would like to become ANVAS accredited, click here.