
What is OrchardInfo Tree Census?

Avocados Australia collects national data annually on avocado plantings.

This data is collected from growers via a web-based system to provide an update on the industry’s production capacity. Data collected includes the number of trees and area planted, year planted, variety and tree density. The data is aggregated at regional and national levels and reports are provided to all contributing growers.

The aggregated data supports long-term industry and individual business planning. It is used to inform long term production trends as reported in the avocado Facts at a Glance fact sheet.

If you would like to contribute to the OrchardInfo Tree Census and obtain the latest data on avocado plantings in your region and the nation, please contact us.

The OrchardInfo report is produced as part of the strategic levy investment project Avocado Industry Supply and Trade Data Capture and Analysis (AV22016) funded by the Hort Innovation Avocado fund using the avocado industry levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian Horticulture.