Board of directors’ changes

In November Brad Rodgers was elected as the new Chair of Avocados Australia (pictured above). Brad has been an avocado grower for 5 years and has served as a Director representing Western Australia for 3 years. To read more about his background read the “Chair’s Perspective” article at the front of this magazine.  Brad expressed his sincere thanks to Jim Kochi, the former Chair, for his years of service.

“We have been very fortunate to have Jim in this role for the last decade. His commitment, passion, experience, knowledge, quick witted humour and empathy have been a great mix and all stakeholders owe him a huge thank you and congratulations,” said the new Chair of Avocados Australia, Brad Rodgers.

Jim Kochi steps down as Chair of Avocados Australia after 12 years of service. Jim will stay on the Board as the Director for North Queensland. Jim said that it has been a pleasure serving as Chair and he has enjoyed dealing with all the people concerned with that role.

“I have enjoyed working with all the people within the industry and having a role to play in allowing positive things to happen to make the Australian avocado industry the success that it now is,” he said.

Brad believes that the most challenging issue facing Australian avocado growers in the next five years has to do with quality.

“Our main focus is on increasing the quality of our output so the consumer experience is always a good one,” he said.

There are a number of present and emerging opportunities that can benefit the Australian avocado industry according to Brad.

“There are three important opportunities we need to focus on, continued marketing to consumers about year round supply of avocados, transitioning consumers’ view of avocados to a daily/weekly affordable shopping staple, and the development of export markets on the ground in targeted countries like Japan and India.”

These are difficult times for growers not only due to the current over supply but in terms of other issues as well. The Board recently set their priorities for 2022. Members should look out for the next issue of Avo Insider for the details.

New director joins the Board and one vacancy open

Two director roles recently became open with the departure of John Walsh from the position of Director representing the Central Queensland Growing Area, and the departure of Rob Wheatley as Director for the Western Australia Growing Area.  Both of these regions have two director positions on the Board. Jim Randell, an avocado grower based in Childers, has been appointed by the Board to fill the casual vacancy in Central Queensland as the second CQ Regional Director (pictured below). The second position of WA Regional Director is still vacant.

Our thanks go to John Walsh

John Walsh served on the Board as a director for 15 years and made a significant contribution to Board initiatives. John’s contribution to the Board will be missed and we look forward to working with him in other ways as a valued member. We would like to sincerely thank John Walsh for his dedication and service.

One Director role is vacant

We thank Rob Wheatley for his contribution on the Board in 2021.  The second WA Regional Director role remains vacant at the present time. The position is open as a “casual vacancy” and Avocados Australia is calling for expressions of interest. If you are a grower based in Western Australia and you are interested in representing your region at a national level, we encourage you to make contact with John Tyas either by email or phone 07 3846 6566.

Once a casual vacancy is filled the person in the role would serve until the next Annual General Meeting whereby a formal election process takes place.

The role of a director includes  representing members in their growing region and bringing forward issues and opportunities for discussion with the Board. It is also important that directors help communicate the work that Avocados Australia does out to our members. To read a copy of Avocados Australia’s Constitution visit the Avocados Australia website and check the documents section in the Members area.

Author: Anna Petrou
Date Published: 08/02/2022