
Welcome to Avocados Australia’s global information and resources pages.

Avocados Australia is the peak industry body representing avocado farmers in Australia.

One of our primary aims is to increase demand and overall category profit for Australian avocados. We do this by working with growers, exporters, importers and retailers, both in Australia and in our export markets.

We support industry research & development and marketing & promotions activities, including supply chain, retailers and consumer education programs.

NEW! Avocado Tree Colour Guide

Click here to access the guide


Exporter Directory

View the Exporter Directory here

Avocados Australia’s new Exporter Directory includes all the information an importer needs to import Australian Avocados. It features the contact details of Australian Exporters and other useful information.

Pitch Pack 2023

View the Pitch Pack here

Avocados Australia’s new Pitch Pack includes all the information an importer needs to import Australian Avocados. It is our pitch to overseas stakeholders about why they should choose Australian Avocados!

Grown in Good Nature

In 2023 a “Grown in Good Nature” Shepard brochure was produced that highlights the benefits of Australian Shepard avocados and how to select and ripen them:

In 2022 the “Grown in Good Nature” Campaign was launched and a range of materials were developed for Hong Kong and Japan. Here are the resources:

Hong Kong
