Become a Member

Avocados Australia welcomes new members, whether they are an avocado grower, packhouse, wholesaler, retailer, farm input suppliers or other product and service providers. Become a member and you gain the right to have a direct say in how the future of the industry is directed, have close access to our organisation and access to all the benefits we provide.

    Member Details

    Orchard Size

    0.5 – 5 ha6 – 19 ha20 – 49 ha50 – 99 ha100 – 149 ha150 – 199 ha200 – 499 ha500 ha +

    Corporate Structure

    IndividualPartnershipCompanyLesseeCooperativeTrustOther (please specify)
    [group corp-struct-other-group]


    12 Month Membership

    Grower - A$250 (+ GST) open to all Australian commercial avocado growers.Associate - A$460 (+ GST) open to businesses & enterprises which service the Australian avocado industry.Affiliate - A$125 (+ GST) open to consumer groups, educational institutions or any producer/participant in a service industry that is allied with the Australian avocado industry.

    Avocados Australia

    For more information please contact the office


    Phone: 1300 303 971 (toll free in within Australia)


    Avocados Australia will contact you on the contact phone number you have provided once your application has been received. Payment can be processed using a MasterCard or VISA, or our EFT details can be provided if an alternative is required.