The industry has long invested in research and development programs to support the sustainable development of the industry.
All commercial Australian avocado growers contribute funds towards avocado R&D through the national statutory levy.
Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation) manages these funds which are invested in projects addressing the industry’s strategic priorities. The Australian Government also provides additional funding for avocado R&D through Hort Innovation.
Information about the avocado levy-funded R&D program can be accessed via the Hort Innovation website. To find out how investments are made at Hort Innovation access their video here.
For further information about the program, contact Hort Innovation’s Industry Service & Delivery Manager, email Gemma Burger at or call 02 8249 3715.
Final reports of all completed avocado levy-funded R&D projects are available via the Best Practice Resource.
Avocados Australia’s R&D role
Avocados Australia is the Prescribed Industry Body that requested, on behalf of the industry, that the Australian Government implement the R&D levy. This levy provides essential resources for ongoing avocado R&D and has helped to address various industry issues over many years.
Avocados Australia plays a key role in supporting Hort Innovation with its delivery of the avocado levy-funded R&D program, to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the industry.
This includes identifying R&D priorities, providing strategic advice through advisory panels, assisting with project planning and project reviews. With its extensive networks across the industry and R&D community, Avocados Australia assists Hort Innovation to deliver the best possible R&D outcomes from the levy.
Avocados Australia also collaborates with relevant agencies to undertake some R&D activities for industry that align with our capabilities and priorities. This may be as a service provider to Hort Innovation, or through other funding sources such as Government grants.
Avocados Australia updates the industry on R&D progress via its comprehensive communications program.
To contact Avocados Australia’s RD&E Coordinator to discuss R&D projects and research needs email or call 07 3846 6566.