Mapping Australia’s orchards for improved industry decision-making

Australia’s tree crop industry has a new online tool to enable quicker and more targeted biosecurity and disaster planning and responses.

Click here to view the Australian Tree Crop Rapid Response Map, part of a $3.4 million project from the Australian Government’s Rural R&D for Profit program.

This project will help macadamia, avocado and mango growers make important decisions around fruit and nut quality and yield, and monitor tree health including early detection of pests and disease outbreaks.

To find out more, you can read the Australian Government media release by clicking here and the Hort Innovation release here.

The Australian Tree Crop Response Map displays the location and extent of all commercial avocado, macadamia and mango orchards in Australia. This will assist natural disaster recovery efforts and biosecurity planning and responses, and together with other components (developed in the wider project discussed below) help growers and industry make important decisions on-farm. You can read more here.

The background

A collaborative team from four universities, government agencies, industry partners, grower groups and commercial providers have developed a new interactive web map of selected horticulture tree crops across Australia. The draft mapping integrates satellite imagery with industry and government data, regional surveys and on-ground evaluations to map the location and area of every commercial (>2ha) avocado, macadamia and mango orchard across Australia.

Launched earlier this month and now open for review, the Industry Engagement Web Map provides stakeholders, growers and experts from the avocado, macadamia and mango industries an opportunity to review and improve the draft map.


How will the Web Map be used?

The Web Map and its associated data will be used by industry to develop a better understanding of changes in Australian avocado production regions. Such information supports improved marketing decision-making and underpins improved biosecurity and post natural disaster response and monitoring.

For example, in the event of a disease outbreak industry groups can access the map and know exactly where surrounding crops are and quickly develop management strategies. The product can also be used to map disasters like floods, fires and cyclones and speed up applications for recovery assistance. In fact, the map is already providing critical information to the natural disaster response and recovery effort in the wake of the devastating Category 4 Tropical Cyclone Debbie which crossed the Queensland coast on Tuesday 28th March.


How you helped

Stakeholders viewed the draft mapping, comparing it with their own local knowledge and providing comments and feedback. Comments were submitted if the information was missing, incorrect or misclassified using an easy pop-up window with predefined options in drop-down menus live within the Web Map.

Stakeholders also used the free Land Use Survey app (iOS and Android) to inform the classification of tree crops by capturing GPS-coded point observations and photos. Comments and data collected via the map and app will be interpreted before the final mapping products are compiled and released in 2017.


Australia’s multiscale monitoring tools for managing Australian tree crops project

The Web Map is the first component of Multi-scale monitoring tools for managing Australian tree crops project, an ambitious project that combines innovative technologies such as satellite mapping, laser scanning and on ground robotics with citizen science apps to deliver improved industry information and methods of monitoring tree health, productivity and quality.

The project was funded through the Australian Government’s Rural Research and Development (R&D) for Profit Grants Programme, managed by Hort Innovation and coordinated by the University of New England. The success of the project can be attributed to the multi-disciplinary team from industry, research/academia and government, including The University of Queensland, University of Sydney, Central Queensland University, Agtrix Pty Ltd, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Simpson Farms Pty Ltd, Avocados Australia, Australian Macadamia Society and Australian Mango Industry Association.

Avocado Marketing Update 18/4/17

This update was provided by Horticulture Innovation Australia for Guacamole 18 April 2017.


Sydney Royal Easter Show 2017

Keeping avocados top of mind and reminding consumers what makes avocado special is the strategy behind the latest digital advertising at the Sydney Royal Easter show 6-19 April 2017.

The Sydney Royal Easter Show is Australia’s largest annual event, attracting close to 800,000 people each year. It is a celebration of Australian culture, from our rural traditions to our modern day lifestyles, providing unique experiences for people of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy.

The audience at the show is a combination of preschool/primary school families and empty nesters with 72% of the audience being female and 35% aged between 35-49yo.

Avocados will have a digital presence at the show with exposure via a combination of the television commercial and static ads on the big screen in the stadium, banner boards in the stadium and 52 plasma screens around the grounds.

In total:
TVCs: 112 x 15 sec
Static slides: 350 x 15 sec
BannerBoard: 350 x 20 sec
Plasma TVCs: 112 x 15 sec



Our “always on” approach with Facebook means we are part of the daily conversation with consumers inspiring them, reminding them and educating them about the fabulous taste, versatility and benefits of avocados, no matter what the occasion.

 Current Post: “Put the chocolate to good use with this delicious recipe…” on 9th April

Ad Metrics:
Reach – 97,992
Comments – 59
Likes – 1,131
Reactions – 52
Shares – 51



Post: “Who else is salivating watching this avo…” on 1st April

Ad Metrics:
Reach – 423,857
Comments – 340
Likes – 1,248
Reactions – 145
Shares – 56



Instagram – Another word for Avo inspiration!|
Current Shared Post has received 162 organic likes


Phosphorous acid monitoring service

Background to phosphorous acid testing

After some time without access to a service to analyse roots for the presence of phosphorus acid, GLT Horticultural Services advised that from March 2017, a new service was up and running through MA Analytical Services.

MA Analytical Services are in Tarragindi in Brisbane and have extensive experience in the analysis of phosphorus acid.

What is phosphorous acid testing used for?

It is important to know the phosphorous acid levels in your orchard’s tree roots prior to applying phosphorous acid as a foliar spray and/or a trunk injection during the application time window. Once the current phosphorus acid level in your roots is known, an effective program based on science can be developed. Otherwise, you are guessing.

Why use this service?

Managing the root health of avocados is the single most important practice in a successful avocado orchard. If you have unhealthy roots under your trees, you have nothing. Production will slowly reduce and your fruit size and quality will diminish to a point that your tree dies.


Further information

Click here for a Phosphorus Acid Analysis Request Form

Click here for a Phosphorus Acid Interpretation Sheet

Please contact Graeme Thomas, GLT Horticultural Services for all enquiries on mobile: 0419 977 267 or email:

International Ag Fellowships 2017

International Agribusiness Fellowships Available Now

The International Specialised Skills Institute (ISS Institute) is offering two international Agribusiness Fellowships in the amount of $10,000 each.

The 2017 International Agribusiness Fellowships provide an opportunity for individuals working within the area of agribusiness to enhance their current skills through an international applied research program. This Fellowship is intended to support individuals in their own career development as well as provide an opportunity to drive leading practice and innovation within the Australian agribusiness industry. It is expected that the applicant is currently engaged in an agribusiness area and can be based anywhere in Australia.

Learn more

For the International Agribusiness Fellowship Guidelines 2017.

For the International Agribusiness Fellowship Application Form 2017.

Or for more information visit or call 03 9347 4583

New Hort Code of Conduct

Background to the Horticulture Code of Conduct

The Horticulture Code of Conduct is a mandatory industry code under section 51AE of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and is enforced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).  The Code was first put in place in 2006 to ensure business between growers and traders was conducted fairly and to provide clarity and transparency of transactions.

The new Code is a result of a major independent review and months of negotiation with the Australian Government and industry, traders, growers and the ACCC after concerns were raised about the inefficiencies of the current code, with many growers and traders simply ignoring it.  It aims to provide a stronger framework to support dispute resolution between growers and traders.

Key aspects of the new Code of Conduct

  • From 1 April 2017 growers and traders will be required to have a fair, binding horticulture produce agreement in place.
  • Growers and traders currently operating under a pre-code contract or a horticulture produce agreement have a 12 month transition period to update their contracts to meet the new requirements.  From 1 April 2018, all agreements must comply with the new code.
  • Unnecessary regulations have been removed and greater flexibility has been introduced for growers and traders, including in price determination and the ability to pool produce.
  • The ACCC will be given greater powers to rapidly respond to breaches of the Code and it also includes an obligation to deal in good faith, which will support a more positive business relationship between growers and traders through soft mediation and avoid ending up in a legal environment.

For more information visit the Australian Government’s Horticulture Code website or the ACCC Horticulture Code of Conduct website.

New Industry BPR

Avocados Australia’s new industry website

Check out our new website here:

After 18 months of planning and development, Avocados Australia has launched its new industry website, the Australian Avocado growers’ one-stop-shop for Best Practice Resources, news and industry updates. Over the next few Guacamole newsletters, we will be sharing with you new features and tools of the new website to allow you to gain a better insight into how it can best work for you.

New website feature – Best Practice Resource (BPR) and how-to video

The BPR is an online one-stop-shop focusing on best practice to improve the quality of avocados provided to consumers.  Information has been sourced from the latest research, development and industry investment, checked by industry experts and carefully structured to allow quick and easy access to information. Information and resources are being updated constantly as new content becomes available, so come back again soon!

The BPR has been designed for every stakeholder in the supply chain and how they wish to access their information – growers, packers, wholesalers, ripeners, transporters, retailers, exporters, researchers, consultants, input suppliers and all other relevant stakeholders!

What’s changed?

If you are familiar with using the old version of the BPR, you will indeed notice a monumental change!  The new BPR has a very user friendly layout, intuitive functionality and powerful search tools available that will make finding resources, educational materials, past industry proceedings and videos much easier and faster to find!

The new BPR provides users a robust and comprehensive one-stop-shop for the whole supply chain of the avocado industry!  For example, as of Guacamole 31 March 2017, there are

  • 147 R&D reports available for the Avocado industry. See them in date order, file size or access a full video list with new content being constantly updated.
  • Within the WHS section, there are 36 templates, guides, checklists, manuals and plans to support the management of WHS practices.
  • 35 high quality education materials that can be downloaded at the click of a link or hard copies ordered.
  • Over 99 avocado industry events and their subsequent proceedings are captured and able to be searched and easily accessed.

How to access the BPR

The BPR is accessible to all registered users.  Avocados Australia welcomes new applications from all businesses that are part of the Australian avocado industry.  Contact Avocados Australia today to find out how!

Take a look inside…

To fully understand and gain an appreciation for the extent of information and resources the BPR has for you and your business, take a quick look inside by playing the video below. We trust you will enjoy the new BPR site!  If you have any questions or have already registered and need some support in using this tool please contact Avocados Australia.

Avocado Marketing Update

About the marketing program

Horticulture Innovation Australia (HIA) manages the avocado levy-funded marketing program in Australia. They develop consumer focused promotions using a variety of mediums including social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube as well as targeted partnerships with consumer related publications and platforms.  This fortnightly update has been provided for Avocados Australia’s e-newsetter Guacamole 31 March 2017.

Social Media – Facebook

Social Media has continued to perform well for Australian Avocados, with sentiment in particular being very positive. Consumers have also been loving our original imagery, with a higher engagement rate when compared to the stylised stock imagery.

A recent recipe post for Avocado in Sweet Potato Boats from the 22nd March has been very successful, reaching over 450,000 people and getting 7,606 likes. The engagement has been incredible with 548 people reacting to it and nearly 800 shares.


Consumers continue to show how creative they can be with avocados

Abbotts Bread partnership

Running throughout Queensland during the month of May, Avocados will be partnering with Abbotts bread promoting a couple of delicious and simple avocado on toast meal ideas. Over the duration of the campaign, over 640,000 loaves of bread will be produced featuring an eye-catching large bread tag reminding and inspiring consumers every time they grab their loaf of bread to use avocados in their meal creation.

Abbotts Bread Creative
Abbots Bread Creative. Pink box is where the bread tag will stick to the package.

Abbotts bread is George Weston Foods third biggest bread brand. The month of May was chosen to capitalise on Mother’s day and encouraging kids/husbands to make mum breakfast on Mother’s day. The creative is not limited to Mother’s day though, so it is relevant for the entire month.

This opportunity is being used as a trial and has the potential to be rolled out to other states if deemed successful, with Nielsen data to be used to measure the impact.

Mindfood magazine avocado promotion

We had a 6 page spread in the March edition of Mindfood magazine, which has a monthly national distribution of 65,000. The spread included recipes, buying and storage hints and health facts.


Qld Succession Planning Grants

Grant background

Queensland producers now have access to Farm Management grants of up to $2500 to help offset  the costs of professional advice associated with family business and succession planning thanks to the Queensland Government.

Costs eligible for the rebate

Costs eligible for the rebate include those for professional advice provided by suitably qualified professionals including for example, accountants, succession advisors or solicitors – view QRAA website’s Frequently Asked Questions or guidelines for more details.

Rebates of up to 50 per cent of the amount paid for professional advice, to a maximum of $2,500 for each financial year of the scheme, are available. To receive a rebate for a financial year, an application must be received in that year and may include an application made before professional advice is received.

Application deadlines

This scheme will close to applications 30 June 2019.  Download an application form here.

Further information

For further information on the Farm Management Grants including criteria visit or freecall 1800 623 946.

New Avocados Australia website

Check out the new site now!  Click:

Avocados Australia homepage image
Homepage of the new Avocados Australia website

After 18 months of planning and development, Avocados Australia has launched its new industry website, the Australian Avocado growers’ one-stop-shop for Best Practice Resources, news and industry updates.

With a crisp new look the new website provides easy, intuitive access to a wealth of information.  The new site includes an upgraded Best Practice Resource (BPR) with an extensive library of supporting resources and rich search functionality to easily extract information across the website.

Over the coming issues of Guacamole we will highlight some of the new features such as the Supply Chain Directory, Avocados Australia Members’ Section and new features in the BPR.

John Tyas, CEO of avocados Australia said, “Staff at Avocados Australia and our web developer have worked tirelessly for months to deliver what I think is an exception outcome.

“Our website says a lot about us as an organisation and as an important agricultural industry in Australia. The way the site has been designed and developed will also improve how we operate and manage information as a business.

“One of our core roles is to be the information hub for the Australian avocado industry and this new site will help us to do that better than ever before.  I am very proud of this new website and I hope our stakeholders make good use of it.”

Marketing Update

This update was provided by Horticulture Innovation Australia for Guacamole 20 March 2017.

As part of the strategy to inspire, engage and educate, a mix of delicious recipe ideas, relatable content and key messages were delivered via social media over the past two weeks.

Helping consumers understand how to identify and select a Shepard avocado: this benefits all growers regardless of variety, as the more consumers feel confident with avocados in general, the more comfortable they will be in selecting one that meets their needs. Education = confidence = better consumer experience = repeat purchase.

Post: “The Shepard season has begun…” on 2nd March 2017.  

Ad Metrics:
Reach – 168,520
Comments – 235′
Likes – 921
Reactions – 89
Shares – 68
Video Views – 52,175





A shout out to women in lieu of International Women’s day:

Post: “Tell the amazing women in your life…” on 5th March

Ad Metrics: Reach – 214,449 Comments – 281
Likes – 1,183
Reactions – 58
Shares – 44





Simple, delicious meal inspiration……
Post: “You’re stuffed? Stuff ‘em too!…” on 7th March 2017.

Ad Metrics:
Reach – 259,306
Comments – 409
Likes – 4,757
Reactions – 259
Shares – 313




Nutritional meal solution for Mum’s with young babies.
Post: Baby’s first avo. All the info you need here…” on 12th March 2017.

Ad Metrics:
Reach – 54,345|
Comments – 41
Likes – 813
Reactions – 28
Shares – 24




Part of the Communications strategy is to work with partners who have a strong legion of followers to extend our content through and reach more consumers. One of such partners is content publisher “My Food Book” who promote recipes from top cooking & food brands to more than 2.8 million passionate home cooks each month and over 200,000 subscribers.

Avocado recipes, video files and product information is housed across their website and social channels to amplify our content reach.

Recently, this Avocado & lentil salad has been inspiring consumers.

†Recipe page views since activation of your current subscription year. *Social activity across pinterest, G+ and facebook since listing this recipe with myfoodbook as part of your subscription. Social figures do not include Twitter. ‡Actions on recipe: recipe saved into consumer account, exported as an ebook or shared by a consumer, since activation of your current subscription year.

Avocados feature in the latest e-cookbook “Good for you” released on 27th January this year. Of the 21 recipes, 9 of them feature avocados. There have been 18.5K downloads of the cookbook to date.