Supply chain quality monitoring kicks off

Supply chain monitoring recommenced last month under the new ‘Monitoring avocado supply chain quality’ (AV22011) project which will, on average, monitor 75 supply chains each year for the next 3 years. This follows on from the supply chain monitoring undertaken under the successful AV18000 project that encouraged pack sheds to improve fruit quality.

The average results for June harvest are that 88% of north Queensland and 99% of central Queensland fruit samples have less than 10% damage suggesting a good result for avocado consumers.

The project team led by Avocados Australia have been busy since the start of the project implementing new ideas to improve monitoring data collection and reporting as well as the process for undertaking tracebacks on any poor results found. Challenge tests continue to be undertaken to also give pack sheds an indication of their fruit robustness.

Results will also be shared more broadly with industry through updates in Guacamole, Talking Avocados magazine, the Best Practice Resource, regional forums and webinars. Registration for the first industry webinar on 14 August can be found here.

For further information on supply chain quality monitoring, contact John Agnew from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (, or Anne Larard ( from Avocados Australia.

The project Monitoring avocado supply chain quality (AV22011) has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the avocado industry research and development levy, co-investment from Avocados Australia, Applied Horticultural Research, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Rudge Produce Systems and contributions from the Australian Government.

This article appears as part of the Guacamole Enewsletter 4 August issue.

Supply chain quality monitoring kicks off

Supply chain monitoring recommenced last month under the new ‘Monitoring avocado supply chain quality’ (AV22011) project which will, on average, monitor 75 supply chains each year for the next 3 years. This follows on from the supply chain monitoring undertaken under the successful AV18000 project that encouraged pack sheds to improve fruit quality.

The average results for June harvest are that 88% of north Queensland and 99% of central Queensland fruit samples have less than 10% damage suggesting a good result for avocado consumers.

The project team including the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Applied Horticultural Research and Avocados Australia have been busy since the start of the project implementing new ideas to improve monitoring data collection and reporting as well as the process for undertaking tracebacks on any poor results found. Challenge tests continue to be undertaken to also give pack sheds an indication of their fruit robustness. As such the reports are now starting to flow to those pack sheds already sampled through this new project.

Results will also be shared more broadly with industry through updates in Guacamole, Talking Avocados magazine, the Best Practice Resource, regional forums and webinars.

For further information on supply chain quality monitoring, contact Noel Ainsworth from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (, or Anne Larard ( ) from Avocados Australia.

The project Monitoring avocado supply chain quality (AV22011) has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the avocado industry research and development levy, co-investment from Avocados Australia, Applied Horticultural Research, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Rudge Produce Systems and contributions from the Australian Government.

This article appears as part of the 21 July 2023 Guacamole issue.

Retail quality & wholesale maturity monitoring restarts this month

Retail quality monitoring recommences this month, following on from the successful AV19003 project which identified improvements in the retail quality of Hass and Shepard avocados. The new project, ‘Monitoring avocado supply chain quality’ (AV22011) will deliver 3 years of retail quality monitoring at major and independent retailers in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

Suppliers and retailers will receive rapid feedback on quality of their fruit at retail, with near-weekly monitoring. The new project allows for more flexible sampling, with additional feedback provided when quality issues arise, such as during transition of varieties and growing regions, or during periods of strong supply.  Ongoing retail quality issues will be investigated through supply chain tracebacks, and discussions with the major retailers.

Fruit maturity will be monitored at wholesale to ensure minimum maturity standards are met. Monitoring will be targeted at the start of supply for each growing region.

Results will be shared through monthly summaries in Guacamole, Talking Avocados magazine and the Best Practice Resource. The team will also provide updates at regional forums and webinars.

For further information on retail and wholesale quality monitoring, contact Adam Goldwater from Applied Horticultural Research ( ), or Anne Larard ( ) from Avocados Australia.

This article appears as part of the 7 July 2023 Guacamole issue.

Avocados Australia CEO visits India & meets with key stakeholders

Market access to India is very close, with the ten trial shipments to India progressing well. This week John Tyas, CEO of Avocados Australia, made his first visit to India post-Australian Avocados provisional access into the India Market. Here is John holding his first tray of Australian avocados in India. These are Costa Group avocados grown in Queensland and John is with their importers Sudhir Suri CEO and Manav Suri COO of Suri Agri Fresh. Together they discussed the promising future of Australian Avocados in the dynamic India Market. Additionally, John took part in retail visits to Nature’s Basket, Modern Bazaar and conducted a walk-through of the Traditional Retail Khan Market and INA Market. This provided John with a comparative view of the Indian trade environment. In retail stores John saw very little point-of-sale information which suggests an opportunity for strong country of origin branding and consumer education.

John also had the opportunity to meet with AMPRO Marketing and Tejaswi Rathore (Head of Marketing Austrade Food & Beverage) to discuss marketing and category development ideas for Australian Avocados. He also met with Sumit Saran, a well-known market development consultant from SS Associates who is managing the World Avocado Organisation marketing program currently underway in India.  Talks are underway for Australia to participate in this program.

John attended special events at the High Commission and saw presentations from key Australian government representatives. While in India, he also had the opportunity to engage with the Hon. Minister Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, on issues of importance to the Australian avocado industry.

We thank AMPRO Marketing for assisting with John’s visit. AMPRO Marketing will be coordinating the official Australian Avocados launch in Delhi. More information about the launch will be sent out to industry stakeholders very soon.

This article is part of the 7 July 2023 issue of Guacamole, our fortnightly enewsletter.

Spreading the avo nutrition awareness to health professionals

The “Educating health professionals on the nutrition and health benefits of avocados” project (AV20003) has been busy over the last six months improving the awareness, knowledge and attitude of health professionals regarding the nutrition and health benefits of avocado. The program is designed to encourage them to recommend avocados to their patients as part of a healthy and nutritious diet, and ultimately help increase Australian avocado consumption.

A core activity of the program is participation in health professional conferences. Australian Avocados held its third trade exhibit at the General Practice Conference and Exhibition (GPCE) held on 19-21 May 2023 in Sydney at the International Convention Centre. Australian Avocados showcased the new Avocado digital hub along with a raft of new educational and patient resources.

The conference was well represented with more than 800 general practitioners attending across the three-day meeting. Nearly 300 GPs signed up to digital e-newsletter, more than 3,000 hard copies of the new resources where distributed and more than 250 fresh Hass avocados were given away. The final conference will be on 8-9 September 2023 at the Lifestyle Medicine conference in Melbourne.

The second ‘farm to plate’ avocado farm tour also took place in Bundaberg, QLD, where a group of influential health professionals saw how modern farming delivers avocados fresh to our supermarkets. They learned how Aussie Avos are grown and saw some creative and innovative ways to use avocados in everyday meal preparation. Catch some inspiration and key insights in a video showing highlights of the day: Avocado farm tour video.

The remaining 2023 program will see Australian Avocados host two further ‘farm to plate’ tours with key health professionals as we continue to build awareness and knowledge of the health and nutrition benefits of avocados and grow greater recognition of their culinary uses.

Photos from the GPCE health professional conference:

Photos from the Avocado farm tour:


For more information on the program please visit or contact Bite Communications Program Manager, Penny Eustace

This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the avocado research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.

This article appears as part of the Guacamole Friday 23 June 2023 issue.

Targeted quality monitoring & extension coming with project transition

Industry projects AV18000 and AV19003 that have been monitoring and supporting avocado industry quality improvements since 2019 concluded in March. Both projects have advanced industry’s quality performance through increased knowledge and advice in quality monitoring and management. Key project outcomes shared in the final reports are now available (links below) includes:

  • The primary causes of suboptimal post-harvest quality were found to be: ineffectiveness of in-field disease control programs and coverage; the poor health of trees; unfavourable periods of weather; poor tree nutrition, the lack of postharvest fungicide treatment; and longer transit times in the supply chains (read more in the AV18000 final report here)
  • Hass fruit quality (Australian and imported) at retail increased to 85% acceptable fruit in 2020-22 from 78% in 2008-15. Similarly, Shepard improved to 97% acceptable fruit in 2021-23, up from 90% in 2008-15. (read more in the AV19003 final report here)

These projects have identified significant further potential to increase industry quality performance by working in a more coordinated and targeted manner under a new project AV22011 Monitoring avocado supply chain quality. AV22011 will deliver 3 years of further monitoring and support services from 2023 to 2026. Avocados Australia will lead this project in partnership with Applied Horticultural Research and the Queensland Government, seeking a further 10% increase in the proportion of fruit samples that meet industry quality standards (fruit samples with <10% internal defects).

The new industry quality project AV22011 will see both more targeted monitoring and more targeted extension services to realise this objective. Changes to industry quality monitoring will include increased retail quality sampling during periods of oversupply and transitions between varieties, and changes to wholesale maturity monitoring and storage challenge assessments based on individual supply chain quality results from previous (to be followed by updated) project report data. Changes to industry quality management extension will also include adjustments to traceback support services and quality performance reviews based on individual supply chain quality results. Industry quality management resources will also have some adjustments, including the development of a self-assessment process that will allow industry to undertake their own tracebacks, and additional webinars on project monitoring outcomes and management advice.

More information on this topic will appear in future email communications.

This article appears as part of the Guacamole 12 May 2023 issue.

Australian Avocados Marketing Update 2023

About the marketing program

This is the latest marketing activity that’s helping Aussie consumers connect with (and eat!) Australian avocados. The industry’s marketing is managed by Hort Innovation and funded by the avocado marketing levy. Hort Innovation develops consumer-focused promotions using a variety of mediums including social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, as well as targeted partnerships with consumer-related publications and platforms.

Keep scrolling to see more great marketing activity in 2023.  And, if you are chasing some delicious avocado recipes, check out Australian Avocados.

Speeding up the avo ripening process – 10 Nov 2023

For the fortnight from 6 November 2023, the Australian Avocado domestic marketing program will be live across Out of Home Panels, Radio, Youtube, Shopper and social channels. Marketing activities use Youtube, radio and social whereby Hort Innovation continues to drive awareness and consideration of Australian Avocados. On Instagram Australian Avocados is featuring a delicious and easy recipe from @lukehines, the “Crispy sweet potato rosti with zesty avocado” recipe. It’s a recipe that anyone can try and enjoy. He also provides a tip for speeding up the avocado ripening process.

Storing & Ripening Australian Avocados – 31 Oct 2023

For the fortnight from 30 October 2023, the Australian Avocado marketing program continues to be live across Out of Home Panels, Radio, Youtube, Shopper and social channels. Marketing activities use Youtube, radio and social whereby Hort Innovation is driving awareness and consideration of Australian Avocados. On Instagram Australian Avocados is educating consumers on how to keep an avocado fresher for longer as well as how to ripen avocados. See @livelovenourishaus outline their handy tips on Insta!

Australian Avocados educating consumers – 12 Oct 2023

This week Australian Avocados on Instagram showed consumers how to pick the perfect Hass avocado. They did this by sharing a video featuring influencer Rebecca Gawthorne (@nourish_naturally) demonstrating the fail safe way to pick and ripen Hass avocados. Rebecca is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, Accredited Nutritionist and a member of the Dietitians Association of Australia. The video covers Rebecca’s tips on how to choose an avocado so it is ripe for whenever you are ready to eat it. She demonstrates how to check if it is ripe by gently pressing around the neck of the avocado. It is a clever and short video that Instagram followers can save and share. Consumers can have it top of mind for the next time they go shopping for avocados. By knowing these simple tips consumers can buy avocados with confidence next time they shop. Check out Australian Avocados on Instagram here and make sure you click “Follow” if you haven’t done so already.

Domestic marketing update – 25 September 2023

For the fortnight from 25 September 2023, the Australian Avocado marketing program is live across Out of Home Panels, Radio, Youtube, Shopper and social channels. By utilising youtube, radio and social, Hort Innovation aims to drive awareness and consideration of Australian Avocados through emotional connection. This activity will be further supported by using out of home panels to inspire usage in the final path to purchase and target light buyers with reasons to purchase for every meal. A full summary of Australian Avocado planned marketing activity is available in the BPR Library under marketing Reports and titled ‘Domestic Avocado Campaign Update July-December 2023”. Did you see the latest recipe videos on social media last week including this avocado cheese toastie, this Avocado Prawn Cocktail and this Avocado Chicken Gyros?

Domestic marketing activities – July-August – 25 July 2023

Radio and social channels were working hard this month to promote Aussie avocados. Next month domestic marketing will step up and through August there will be five channels actively engaging with the target audience (light buyers) via Out-Of-Home, Radio, Programmatic (YouTube), Retail online, and Social. So look out for digital signage promoting avos. Listen out for great radio promotions. More information about the domestic marketing activity will appear in the next issue of our enewsletter, Guacamole.

Photograph courtesy of Anne Larard.

Former cricketer Brett Lee to be an ambassador for Australian Avocados – 9 June 2023

Famous former cricketer Brett Lee has been secured as ambassador for Australian Avocados and he is set to appear in marketing campaigns in India and the Middle East. Brett will start to appear as ambassador in the middle of July this year. Cricket is like a religion in India and as Brett is a cricketing icon there he will resonate well with the target demographic. Brett previously appeared in marketing campaigns for Weetbix and also starred in a Bollywood movie a number of years ago. Brett now plays a major role in the cricketing media around the world and has several businesses and philanthropic interests. The idea is to use his personality to drive home key messages about avocados, giving insight into why Australian avocados should always be the first choice.

Easy, simple recipes on Instagram promote Hass avos – 26 May 2023

Simple and delicious recipes like baked salmon and veggies with creamy avocado dip and Mexican burritos feature on Australian Avocados Instagram feed. Another recent recipe is for an extra creamy smoothie. Using Hass avocados in every day meals couldn’t be simpler and the recipes on Instagram are a go-to for consumers. Click here to view the Australian Avocados feed on Instagram.

Latest health & nutrition information just a click away – 12 May 2023

Consumer education about the health benefits of avocados is vital to our marketing efforts and if anyone needs to look for information about the virtues of adding avocados to their diet go no further than the Australian Avocados website. The Australian Avocados website ( provides consumers with the latest health and nutrition information about Australian Avocados – our “green gold”. Learn about “Good Fats”, how to add a “Healthy Boost”, see how avocado can be “Baby Friendly” and learn how avocado is a “Good Mood Food”. Full nutrition information is also available for a serving size of 75g or ½ an avocado. You will find all of the facts and figures referenced. Click here to access Avocado Health & Nutrition information.

ALDI show how to choose the perfect Hass avocado – 12 May 2023

A “Hass Panel” that shows consumers how to choose the perfect Hass avocado appeared in the ALDI brochure in May. The Hass Panel was produced by Australian Avocados to guide consumers on how to choose a Hass avocado so they can identify when it is hard, firm ripe, ripe, and soft ripe. It will provide an easy guide to consumers and is just one of many ways the Australian Avocados marketing effort is educating consumers.


Instagram provides inspiration for everyday meals – 28 April 2023

At @australianavocados on Instagram consumers are being shown great recipe ideas, perfect inspiration for everyday meals. But there’s more! This week Online video, Youtube content, social content, Retail Out Of Home advertising (OOH) will all be working to increase domestic consumption of avocados. Creative and messaging will aim to: 1) inspire consumers to eat avocados more often, 2) educate consumers on how to choose, ripen and store avocados, and 3) aim to own everyday meal occasions.

Australian Avocados activations now live across a range of channels – 18 April 2023

Australian Avocados has activations currently live across a range of channels including retail media. You can view the current activation with Coles, here and above. The role of this activity is to trigger planned and impulse purchase for online shoppers, as well as capture light buyers with the advertising aimed at all shoppers, rather than targeting regular avocado buyers. Retail activity will continue to run in conjunction with online video, YouTube, social media, retail proximity out of home, and radio until June 2023. There will be an Avocado Marketing two day workshop next week, which will be reviewing the FY23 activity and planning the FY24 activity.

Australian Avocados & ALDI collaborate on catalogue – 20 March 2023

Avocados Australian Avocados worked closely with ALDI on this week’s catalogue feature for Australian Shepard Avocados. This catalogue feature was achieved through leveraging existing levy-funded assets in support of the Shepard season. This initiative is part of the planned creative content that is working to educate consumers about Shepard avocados, with respect to selecting, handling and ripening.

Domestic Marketing Program Update now available – 24 Feb 2023

The detailed Avocado Domestic Marketing Program Update for February 2023 is now available on the Best Practice Resource (BPR). The document includes the overall strategy and its rationale, a Communications summary, a Media Block Plan (for February through to June) and details of the Consumer Journey. Implementations for Radio (targeting Main Grocery Buyers 18+), YouTube, Social (targeting 18+ price conscious shoppers, healthy lifestyle and home cooks) and Broadcaster Video On Demand (BVOD) are also outlined. The document elaborates on the Shepard-specific Public Relations that are planned plus the Shopper Implementation and the Outdoor advertising strategy.

Radio, YouTube, Social, BVOD and PR content will work to cement the core proposition locally. Social and Retail Media will work to deliver Retailer, Shopper and Consumer Education. Retail Media, Out of Home Advertising (OOH) and Social content will strive to “own everyday meal occasions”.

To access the Domestic Marketing Program Update for February 2023 login to the BPR here and navigate to the Library or click here to access the Library. Once at the Library scroll down and click on “Marketing Reports”. The document is the first item listed.

Domestic Marketing plan for 2023 on the BPR – 17 Jan 2023

A copy of the Domestic Avocado Marketing Plan for FY23 is available on the Best Practice Resource. This plan has been developed with significant effort by industry and Hort Innovation and is well worth a read for those interested in understanding how we plan to grow domestic and international markets for Australian avocados.

To access it login to the BPR here and then click on “Library” on the top menu then scroll down and click on “Marketing Reports”. The document also contains the full marketing plan (domestic and export) with the background data and insights that underpin the plan (46 pages).

The planned 2023 domestic avocado marketing activity will include the use of the “Our Green Gold” campaign creative elements as consumer research has found that it offers strong recall of key messages. It will kick off from February 2023 via paid media and PR/social content. Recall of the latest wave of “Our Green Gold” was at 40% (the norm is 25%). Of the consumers who were surveyed, post-campaign, 83% expressed a preference for Australian avocados. A key objective of the 2023 marketing campaign is to further increase domestic consumption.



Benchmarking Project – Growers invited to take part!

Avocado growers are being urged to sign up to a new levy funded benchmarking project that offers a simple and effective way to measure your business performance, identify potential practices and areas that may be improved.

RM Consulting Group (RMCG) is inviting growers to confidentially indicate their interest in participating in the project, which will provide them with an assessment of their performance measured individually and against the industry as a whole, as part of the project Avocado Industry Benchmarking 2022-2027 project (AV22004), a strategic levy investment under the Hort Innovation Avocado Fund.

The objective of the project is to provide important financial and production insights to help the industry as a whole make better informed business management decisions. By addressing key issues, opportunities and/or trends affecting the industry, the project seeks to equip producers with the necessary knowledge and resources to make confident decisions related to their farms. Ultimately, the project aims to enhance the industry’s decision-making capabilities and improve its overall performance.

The benchmarking project, including key performance indicators, will be developed with the avocado industry to ensure it is relevant to producers. Information collected for analysis will include:

  • Financial data – such as input costs (labour, materials, etc) avocado levies and packing costs, sales from avocados, etc.
  • Production practices – such as fertiliser use, pest and disease control, irrigation inputs, varieties planted, access to processing facilities and harvesting practices.

Participating growers will be given a report summarising their own business benchmarks, and a summary of the industry-wide benchmarks based on de-identified data that will be made available to the wider industry.

Growers interested in participating in the project or learning more, are invited to self-register their details through this online expression of interest or contact Clinton Muller 0498 192 596 or for further information.

Avocado Benchmarking Project Expression of Interest

All information relating to individual participants in the project and their data will remain strictly confidential.

This article appears as part of the Guacamole 27 October 2023 issue.

Shape the future of the Australian avocado industry!

Expressions of interest are sought for a new advisory panel

Suitably qualified Australian growers and other avocado supply chain stakeholders are invited to express interest in joining the new Production RD&E Panel.

The closing date for applications is Friday 31 March 2023.

Here are the details:

Expressions of Interest: Avocado Industry Production Research Development & Extension (RD&E) Advisory Panel 

Hort Innovation in partnership with Avocado Australia Ltd (AAL) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified growers and other supply chain stakeholders for the Avocado Industry Production Research Development and Extension (RD&E) Advisory Panel.

The Avocado Industry Production RD&E Advisory Panel provides strategic investment advice to Hort Innovation in relation to industry production and post-harvest research, development and extension programs funded by industry R&D levies and matching dollars from the Australian Government. They are guided by the strategic priorities set out in the industry Strategic Investment Plan.

We are seeking individuals with the following skills and experience:

  • Avocado production
  • Avocado post-harvest/supply chain (domestic/export)
  • Research/trials experience and or expertise
  • Knowledge or understanding of current extension and communications
  • Strong industry networks
  • Understanding of Industry risks and challenges
  • Demonstrated awareness of innovation/new technology.

If you would like to help shape the future of the Australian Avocado industry, apply by using the Expressions of Interest form on Hort Innovation’s website.

Applications will be assessed and shortlisted by a selection panel. The selection panel may then interview shortlisted candidates and will recommend the final panel composition to the Hort Innovation Executive and AAL Board.

For more information or to have a form sent to you, please contact Corrine Jasper Head of Industry Services and Delivery at 0439 433 885 or

This article appears as part of the 10 March 2023 edition of Guacamole.

Changes to Fair Work Legislation


Late last year there were changes made to the Fair Work Legislation and this impacts greatly on employers. In December 2022 the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 passed in both houses of Parliament. This act was “enacted” in the same month. Employers will find that there are changes made to a number of areas as a result of the Amendment Act: Fixed Term Contracts, Flexible Work provisions, Pay Equality, Prohibition on Pay Secrecy, Paid Family & Domestic Violence leave, Unpaid Parental Leave, Discrimination – Sexual Harassment, and Enterprise Bargaining Agreements. These changes come into effect on the following dates:

Fixed Term Contracts              6/12/23
Flexible Work provisions         6/6/23
Unpaid Parental Leave           6/6/23
Discrimination – Sexual Harassment  6/3/23
Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave 1/2/2023 (for small business employers)

Already in effect:

Pay Equality                            7/12/22
Prohibition on Pay Secrecy     7/12/22
Enterprise Bargaining Agreements    7/12/22
Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave 1/2/2023 (for employers with 15 or more employees)

Fair Farms – Growcom delivered a webinar to provide an overview of the changes and we are fortunate to have a copy of the slide presentation that outlines the key changes, dates and important points of note. It is available for you here. Our thanks go to Fair Farms and Growcom for making this information available.

AUSVEG, in partnership with Ai Group, produced factsheets on each of the changes. You can access them here. Our thanks go to AUSVEG and Ai Group for sharing this information.

What employers should do

It is important for employers to review your workplace policies and ensure that they are comprehensive, relevant and current. The Fair Farms team recommend that policies be implemented through education and training to ALL employees and others who may enter the workplace such as contractors. Ensure your business has up to date processes and procedures for complaints and workplace investigations handling. Monitor these policies, procedures, processes and ensure they are well documented and training of these processes is also captured. If unsure about the changes seek expert advice.

This article appears as part of the Guacamole 10 February 2023 edition.